Would you like to join our ranks?
This page gives you a brief rundown of what is required to join us. For more information, contact our Membership Secretary on our Contact Form.
If you are a magician, or interested in the art of magic, you should consider joining the British Magical Society. For information, contact our Membership Secretary: Bob King - membership@britishmagicalsociety.co.uk
Anyone wishing to join will, in the first instance, be invited along to one of our meeting – free of charge (normally £5.00 to non-members). After this you’ll be required to fill out an application form and pay your first year’s subscription and one-off joining fee (see below). Once accepted you become a candidate and have 6 months to present a short audition act for consideration of full membership.
Being a member of the BMS is simply magic… so, what are you waiting for?

Visiting Magicians
One Off Joining Fee
Senior Citizen Rate
Country Member (45 miles from the club)
Full Member Rate
Subscriptions are due at the beginning of each presidential year in April. Cheques made payable to 'British Magical Society'.